To score a heat, either via the judge's devices, or as a Head judge or recorder, the heat or run needs to be started. Once the heat or run has been scored, it can be ended, which finalises the results and progresses the competitors to the next round.
This article explains how to Start and End heats so they can be scored for both of our main methods of scoring:
- Starting and ending heats or runs in a standard single schedule event (most sports)
- Starting and ending heats or runs multi-schedule score anywhere mode (only used in Freeride Snow and Surf Life Saving)
How to start or end heats or runs in a standard single schedule event
Once you've set the heat draw and schedule, the event remote will appear at the bottom of the screen, which is where you'll start and end heats or runs. The event remote is shown to any user logged in as a Director viewing the event.
Starting a heat or run
To start a heat, just click the Start icon - the green arrow as seen in the image below. Once this is clicked, the timer will start and the heat will be underway. The judges or head judge/recorder can now enter scores for this live heat:
Ending a heat or run
When you are ready to end the heat or run , click the End Heat icon (red square), and the results will be confirmed and the competitors will be auto-progressed into the next round:
Note: If you ever need to move back in the schedule, you can use the Undo button, see here for more.
How to Start and End heats or runs multi-schedule score anywhere mode (only used in Freeride Snow and Surf Life Saving)
Starting the heat or run
- Once heats or runs are created, click on the title, e.g. Heat 1:
- Once the heat or run is open, click on the Start button to start the heat or run. It can now be scored on the same page:
Ending the heat or run
Once you select start, the End and confirm button will appear. Once you have scores all competitor's scores/places select this button to End the heat which is when progressing athletes will be moved into the next rounds:
Note: If you ever need to Undo starting or ending the heat back in the schedule, you can use the Undo end or Undo start button, see here for more.