You can set the heat duration at the event, division, or round level. The heat duration will inform the times that are displayed on the schedule.
How to set or customise the heat duration
- Once the event is created, go to the Event dashboard
- Decide which level you'd like to update the heat duration for:
- To set it at the Event level, click Event settings > Basic
- To set it at the Division level, select the division, then Division settings
- To customise it for a round (e.g. finals) select the division, then Round settings for the round (look out for the ellipsis icon:
- In the settings (Event, division, or round settings), scroll down to the field that reads Default heat duration
- Click to open the field and select from preset options or type in your duration in minutes. For example, if you'd like the heat duration to be 10 minutes, just type in "10" and select that custom option
- Click Save to update
Note: if you set the duration at the division or round level, you will override the defaults and the system will remember your settings for the next event