Before your first LiveHeats event, you might like to run a test to practice or demonstrate the platform. Test events are free to run. Below sets out how to access a free test event and some pointers to running your testing.
How to access a free trial event credit for a testing event:
- If you have spare event credits on your account, you can go ahead and use one of those to create your event, just delete it via the Event settings once you're done to restore the credit to your account
- If you do not have any spare event credits on your account, you can either:
- purchase some new event credits, and delete the event once done to restore the event credits for later use (recommended), or;
- request for a free test event to be added to your account, by filling this form: We'll create the test event for you and notify you once ready (takes 1-2 business days)
Some pointers for running a test or practice event on LiveHeats:
- Open one of the video tutorials in the help centre that provides you with a step-by-step guide for running an event. Click here to open that part of the help centre.
- When creating your event, be sure to put the word "Test" in the event title, so that the event does not appear to spectators and fans on
- Follow the usual instructions in the Help centre to run live scoring in your test event, starting with Setting up and logging into judges devices
- When you have completed your event, you can delete it by going to the Event settings of your test event, scrolling to the bottom and clicking Delete event, so it doesn't appear on your public LiveHeats page. Deleting will restore the credit to your account. See here for more.