With LiveHeats you can set the number of counting results that determine the ranking. For example, your series might contain 8 events, but each athlete's top 6 results count towards their ranking.
You can set top counting results for the whole series, as well as use advanced settings to:
- customise counting results per division (e.g. top 3 for opens, and top 5 for juniors)
- set a special event to always count in rankings, in addition to counting results (e.g. your best 3 results + national champs result)
- customise counting results for specific athletes (e.g. those who make the cut)
How to set your top counting results for rankings:
- Click Series on your top navigation bar, and ensure you are on the correct series
- Click Series settings
- Scroll down to the field that says Number of counting results
- Type or select the number of counting results (e.g. if you want top 2 results from 3 events, select 2). If your option is not shown, simply type it in. You can select to set top counting results for the whole series, or specify by division
- Click Save to update. Now your rankings will be updated with these settings
Advanced feature #1: customising counting results by division in a series
Click Set per divison and then you can specify the counting results for each divison in the Series ranking:
Advanced feature #2: ensuring a particular event is counted in all athlete's counting results (e.g. best 3 events + national rankings result)
If your ranking includes best X results through the season, plus a particular event result, for example, best 3 of first 5 events, plus their result from the national championships, then this can be set up for you by Liveheats. Once you have created the event that must count in addition to each athlete's counting results, please email community@liveheats.com with:
- your organisation name (noting that this requires an advanced rankings licence)
- a link to the event dashboard once you have created it on Liveheats (e.g. https://liveheats.com/events/12052/dashboard)
- a link to the rankings that you want this applied to (e.g. https://liveheats.com/director/rankings?series=2400&division=17024)
- we will process this request within 1-2 business days. Please note, this rule has to be set in each series, so please repeat the above each year.
Advanced feature #3: customising counting results for certain athletes in a division for the purposes of a cut
Some organisations have a 'Cut' concept which allows certain athletes who reach a certain rank in the rankings at a point in time to continue into the next phase of the tour. You can now set up custom rules for athletes who are above the cut, so that they can have a different number of counting results than the other athletes. To set this up for a series, please email community@liveheats.com with:
- your organisation name (noting that this requires an advanced rankings licence)
- a link to the particular series and division that you'd like to customise the cut-line for, e.g. https://liveheats.com/director/rankings?series=7977&division=70227
- We will activate this feature for you within 1-2 business days on your series, then you can follow the steps below to set this up. Please note, this rule has to be set in each series, so please repeat the above each year.
Once activated on your series by Liveheats, here's how to use the tool:
- Navigate to the Series area, select the series and click Series settings > Rankings
- In the Counting results section, click Set per athlete:
- A table will appear showing the current settings for athletes. Click on a row to edit, or click Add athlete counting result to add another rule:
- In the dialogue, select the athlete's name (noting they must already exist in an event or membership in your database), select their Division and the Number of counting results for that athlete (e.g. 4, if your standard is 3):
- Click Save on the dialogue. Note: saving on the dialogue makes the change public immediately, even without saving the Series settings
- Navigate back to the results and the rankings will be updated accordingly