Advanced event settings
- Re-ordering or rearrange divisions in an event or series
- Editing an athlete profile as a Director
- Adding or removing divisions from an event
- Configuring the number of counting rides
- Hiding the entry list and seeds from the public event page
- How to set up and customise club leaderboard / pointscore on an event
- Advanced judging features
- Creating a standalone event
- Editing results or scores for live or completed heats
- Hiding the live scores and results for finals
- Dropping high and low judge scores
- Displaying additional information with each athlete on an event by using the team field
- How to guide for running a surfing tag team format
- Setting the event layout type to be Single or Multi Course schedule
- Embedding LiveHeats in your website
- Integrating live scores into a broadcast or live stream
- Integrating sponsors into your LiveHeats page
- Download detailed results or leaderboard for an event
- Creating, printing and displaying a QR code poster for your event site
- Using the LiveHeats API
- Accessing LiveHeats via the World Skate partnership
- Toggling between Director and Judge roles on one device
- Exporting results to XML for submission to FIS
- Setting the event location
- Assigning NFC wristbands to athletes
- Using LiveHeats for checking in athletes during nippers or training sessions
- NFC supported devices and browsers
- Accessing LiveHeats via the World Snowboard Federation partnership
- How-to guide on marshalling for surf lifesaving events
- How-to guide on recording places for surf lifesaving events